The messages are confusing, all the characters are one dimensional, the bully is just, just, I don't even know how to describe it. He has no motivation, other than just wanting to be a bully. Well, let's assume I am as stupid as the movie thinks kids are. The advice is to stand up for yourself. That's it. Just yell and the bully will go away. I hate to break it to you, but last time I did that, I got punched in the stomach. The cyber bullying advice wasn't good, I mean, until the end. The whole part about Hollywood was just boring, and just to fill up time. The gun safety advice was, actually pretty good. Until they pass by the bully with the gun instead of going the other way. In fact, this movie argues with itself a few times. There was a part about looking both ways before crossing the street, but a few minutes after, Cool Cat (Who goes against every definition of cool) runs across the street without looking both ways. Everything is a mess. The only good thing was that it was so funny. But please, don't use this movie to teach kids. There are so many better shows and movies to teach kids about bullying, gun safety, and other things. Cool Cat Saves the Kids (which he doesn't) is the room of kids educational movies. Unless you are looking for a good laugh, don't watch this movie.