It was quite an unusual plot for a horror movie, a chair falling in love with a girl. It had good quality and good acting but the writing is one for the books, when first setting the scene they bounced around a lot and made it difficult to fallow when setting up the character plots. With no character development though you can catch on quick. There was a very uncomfortable scene where heavy sexual tension with the main character and the chair took place, but was amplified with amazing light work. However it was very convenient that the main characters best friends grandpa is a disgraced Ribeye and he had access to a website that told him every little detail he needed to know (and spoilers for the end) it didn’t even work. They did have a decent set up for a second movie but I don’t think there is one, because who wants to see a woman having an orgasm from sitting on a chair and feeling the handle to lay back. All in all I think that it was a funny concept, but a waste of time. I however did have time to waste so it was a decent time.