I have watched Y & R from the beginning, when it revolved around the Brooks family. I have always loved it so much.....until recently.
With so much going on in the world, so much sadness and depressing news around the whole world, I was hoping I would get some cheer from watching Y & R, but......now everyone is fighting...Philyss is trying to ruin lives and is always trying to trick someone, Kyle and Theo are always fighting, Billy and Victoria are so sad and broken, Sharon has cancer, Lola and Kyle are broken up, Deena is failing real bad, and so much more negativity in the show. I was hoping with this Coronavirus and all its death, I would get some joy from Y & R, but it is just so depressing now. Usually it is a happy fun soap to watch. After watching it for over 40 years, I am going to have to quit watching it. I know with the situation now, with people having to stay at home and you probably can't film, it is a tough situation, but when you do film, make it happy so we happy a fun time to look forward to watching Y & R. Thank you for the chance to voice my feelings! Hopefully things will return back to normal real soon and lives will not be lost. Sue Roe