I like the new format, but the advent of these young women who are bias and see themselves as "experts' on everything political. I have stopped watching CBC news because of these obvious bias on all things to do with government. I just turned on now since I figured they were quieted by the firing of the two ministers and there we have Vassey spinning her usual side of things. I remember two different people who she was interviewing who told her that was her words, not theirs.
When will we get over this and stop hearing so much BS from Andrew Scheer who is a buddy of Steve Bannon. I first realized who Scheer was when he was on TV talking about his relationship with Bannon's publication and announcing that he was no longer submitting to it.
The four who are in charge of the NATIONAL are seasoned professions and doing a spectacular job at reporting the news. I have been watching and enjoying these professionals.. This is the news I watch.