By watching latest episode, I realized that it's a worst program ever. Rajith sir and pavan was cheated by other members. I don't know anybody personally. I know them through this show. There is a lot of groupism occured. And also there is no respect. Why all are targeting an old man? Can you please introduce a good (behaviour) lady in bigg boss program. Ashamed myself for watching this show. By seeing this show, other girls in our society will imitate this culture. We never wish to happen like that. Don't they know whole world watching their cheap drama and groupism. What's the selection criteria for this show. Very very pathetic.
Only groupism in bigg boss show. So we just stop watching the show. We are not ready to spend our valuable time for this dirty groupism show. That's all. Good bye..
And jesla behavior is very bad and expeshaly
Dr rejith sir just like his brother but jesla dosent realise that that is a very baaad girl