I just watched Batman vs Superman last night. The nagging question I posed to myself (and my long-suffering wife who let me choose the movie) was this: Why would DC Comics even THINK about turning two of their most popular heroes into villains?! What's the point? It doesn't play well with the audience. I grew up watching Steve Reeves play Superman on my black and white television and never will see him as a villain. Ditto for Batman, the dude in the tights who is always on the right side of the law and spouts endless corny double entendres. This movie was a disjointed kaleidoscope of vignettes which leaves the viewer confused and disoriented. To begin with, it opens with a scene suggesting an alien invasion and then never addresses that particular issue! Then, for no particular reason, Batman is portrayed as a cruel, vindictive vigilante without purpose except to assault criminals and brand them with the bat sign. Police shoot at him and Superman gets into the vilification, wondering aloud as he is suffering PR problems, just what is Batman's true focus in life. The scene where kryptonite is discovered is pointless and absurd. And the casting for Lex Luther was way off the mark. I could go on, but I don't intend to waste any more time on this mess. In the future, I will devote my viewing to the twenty-three Marvel Universe Cinematic films. My favorites are the Black Widow and Iron Man.