I have always understood the fishing industry was big business but I had no idea until I watched "Seaspiracy" by Ali Tabrizi just how huge it is. There are numerous entities all working toward the same goal - profit. These include but are not limited to governments, climate activists, ocean activists, legal and illegal fishing companies, fishing entities who use human slave labor to make more profits. I was appalled at the barbaric tactics used to trap these fish for sale but the the percentage of sea creatures that are considered "collateral damage" because they just happened to be caught in the net. All of these creatures are mercilessly killed with no thought these are sentient beings. They are only considered a means to an end - MONEY.
Since the conspiracy exists from the top down, there is no way one individual can put an end to this barbarity is to stop eating fish. If every ONE person made a conscience effort to stop, the incentive for killing these creatures would disappear. Mankind is the planet's worst enemy.