The best thing about this anime is that both the protagonists have the same top belief i.e. Justice Must Be Served.
But their idea of turning such belief onto reality is equally opposite.
One goes with dictatorship while the other keeps himself abide by laws.
Both have got a valid reason to believe into their perspectives.
(The audience of the anime are equally distrubuted to the both ends and that is a proof of that)
And both understand each other more than anyone else.
Lessons that I learned from it are..
Lying gets you able to achieve anything but it also costs you your most valuable thing, and that is YOU.
Light did that sacrifice for his ideal world and ended up being an emotionless freak who cared about no one but himself.
He betrayed each and everyone, although his cause was still reasonable because according to him the world was rotten and that included him.. And somebody was needed to step up for it.. No matter what the cause...
But one thing according to me that he didn't realised.. That killing the criminals wasn't going to fix anything... Criminals will always keep on coming till thier is no one left..
Infact their is a bit of criminal in all of us.
Everyone lies at some point of time, we all have greed for money and fame...
All of us have been selfish at some point..
We all have regrets of past..
Suppose, me and my friend are having rape thoughts about a beautiful girl,
I keep silent and didn't do anything, while my friends tries to rape her..
Does this make my friend a criminal and me innocent ?
Just because my friend did the crime he became crimnal while I who was planning to do so but didn't yet is innocent..
Ain't I too a criminal in progress...
That's why I say killing the bad guys ain't going to end them..
The only way we can improve the situation is by spreading more of love...
Because along with criminal there is also a bit of lover in all of us.
The one which overpower the other is the one we think ourselves to be..
But here is the other thought, actually there is no such thing as criminal it is just love or absence of love.
Peace and absence of peace.
Light thought that scaring people about a ruthless God who is ready to pass judgements on everyone will fix this world..
And this is exactly the opposite path of what I think he should of have gone for.
And that sums-up my thought for this great anime..
I would we glad if you had made reading this far to the end...