Total train wreck no context
Characters were bland needs personality
Gretal was basically a idiot the intire time Hansel was better had a little personality but the warlock👍
Let's talk about the story
The original was based in Germany 🇩🇪
But there was nothing represented witch brings me to the candy house impaled on a candycane why that was a missed opportunity to add in the real story of Frankenstein although we don't if it was hitting the ground but it could been likely Dr Frankenstein was impaled by a tree after a explosion in the lab knocked him out the window and Hansel and Gretal could have walked past him on the way to the candy house and the witch while I like the idea to actually humanize her
It likely wouldn't have eaten children
She would have been more of a pedafile
Keeping Gretal as maid while actively sleeping with Hansel and bringing us back to the beginning the original reason why Hansel and Gretal were abandoned their parents were to poor to take care of them
I think that would have been a better story than them looking for better parents
Because the original story's message is still relevant because there are predators out there and that often pick up abandoned or abused run away children!
The rest of the show made no sense and there was no explanation for some odd seens it was a bit rushed at the end it was just a mess!!!!! I loved warlock steeling souls you should have built a 2 shows around him and adults only one also I would've got on the the table naked for him as goth when you saw him steel the girls souls it is kind of a turn on with that being said do some research and put effort next time it was truly a wasted opportunity for a true art with a deep and still relevant message
I think Jack and Jill would have been better to tell the story of wanting better parents because we don't know anything about Jack and Jill's parents their story says they broke their crowns and fetched a bucket of water and that is it and the all work no play makes Jack a dull boy could imply that Jack and Jill parents were royal and emotionally and physically abusing them leading to them running away to find better parents and get help for their trauma and ptsd! That has a deep and relevant message that is needed especially with LGBTQ being accepted now a day and parents disapproving still and goth not still not being accepted yet topics you could cover make something iconic loud put research and interview people hear and be inspired by their experiences and put emotion into it don't rush you can't rush art ! Considering A tail Dark and girm is made for teens and tweens it looks 3 year old wrote and produced it and the fact that common sense media gives a good review is a bad thing because common sense media fakes the reviews by children and controlled by racist who are trying to hide the truth of this world from their kids