I went to see this with a group of friends and none of us liked it. We were all incredibly grossed out by the relationship between a 15 year old and 25 year old. Why couldn’t they have made the teenager AT LEAST 18?
In addition, we were confused by a lot of the plot points. It was very disjointed. We thought it would focus on the 15 year old character’s acting career, which was introduced at the beginning, but he somehow ended up starting a waterbed business not very long into the movie. Things just seemed to get forgotten. A particular character at the very beginning was introduced (another teenager interested in dating the 25 year old… gross), and then he was forgotten completely.
The movie was needlessly long. At a certain point, I was checking my phone’s clock, wondering when the movie would finally end.
The 25 year old is so insecure that she jumps into any man’s arms… including a 15 year old kid’s arms. She needs some real help.
A lot of the men in this film are disgusting. If that’s supposed to be funny, it’s not.
Everything seemed needlessly sexual as well. At some points I was like, “Geez, calm down, people.” It felt gross. Especially the things between the 15 and 25 year olds.
I am a young adult, and I have no nostalgia for the 70s, so the setting, clothes, trends, music, behaviors, etc. displayed in this movie did little for me.
I also have no loyalty to the actors or creator of the film, so I am not biased in that way either.
Don’t bother watching it.