It's a well written novel. Explanation of events is done smoothly, it is something that makes it captivating. Although, personally I found it very slow and the ending was predictable. It was as if I knew what was going to happen to the bad guy and all I had to do was keep on reading upto that moment.
Spolier: it's not really believable that Paul didn't have a gun of his own and didn't think he'd need to defend himself. His intelligence is applauded so many times throughout the book that I started to find it annoying and this guy comes out without a plan. I know there was a moment of surprise because of what Claire did, but really? If not a gun, atleast a butter knife or a pen. Like he thought he'd just get what he wanted after all the things he's done, aftter all the things she knows. It's stupid. Not even a little fight. What was his escape plan???
I wish it had Julia's Pov at the end. I think it'd have added more intensity. We got everyone's Pov but never of the people actually involved in the play. I wanted the last chapter to be Julia's or Anna's or Paul's. To truly be able to read their last moments' fear, pain, faith, yearning, thoughts, hope etc.