Beyond perplexing that most of these reviewers appear to only want to watch TV shows that are exact replicas of real life, which begs the question.. why watch TV at all, why not just sit and look out your window? Odd approach to deriving viewing pleasure if you ask me but anyhoo, is Trigger Point edge of your seat viewing? No but it's far from a snooze-fest either. Is it obvious, as pointed out by the aforementioned reviewers, they've paid no heed to the bomb disposal experts they no doubt hired to advise them? Yes BUT who cares because even if you view that as a shortcoming imo there's still enough going on to keep you interested. As for parallels with LOD, the only glaringly obvious one is that TP keeps you wondering, who's it her work colleague John, is it her copper boyfriend or could it be the Scouse fella but that's where the similarities end which isn't a bad thing because as good as LOD was, surely we can't expect the team that worked on it to follow the exact same formula for every drama that comes afterwards? Listen, if you approach and accept TP for what it is, a bit of Sunday night escapism before getting back to the daily grind on Monday then you can't go wrong. Give it a watch and if you don't like it not to worry, there's always the sitting room window ;)