It is really a 0 Star! Don't watch it you are reliving the nightmare of how hedge funds and brokerages steal from the rest of us. Also is too much about this one investor and three specific ones that might be unrelated to the rest of us...
I think there were a lot of people that were holding the stock, wanted to buy more, and still remember when Robinhood force all their clients to only sell or hold. Of course, this affected the price downward in a very short time since many did a panic sell... Nothing about what could have been if Robinhood was acquired by a bigger brokerage that had the capital to do both buying and selling. Also, nothing about other executives from other brokerages that halted and/or limit trading favor the shorts. There were Interactive Brokers, TD Ameritrade, and Charles Schwab also not just Robinhood that were helping themselves, the clearing houses, and those hedge funds.
The writers and editors failed to put this instead it was just several stories of specific investors buying and selling. Well there were many of us and that the fact that they picked three specific stories is a turnoff because they were unrelated to some of us. As for this Youtuber they spend to much time on him. Many investors are savvy enough to understand the data. Some of us probably sat and passed Corporate Finance and/or have accredited business degrees and read Financial Times, use Fintel, Ortex, Think or Swim and/or somewhat understand how the stock market works.
I just strongly dislike how the movie portray investors as followers of this YouTuber who got lucky because he was a MassMutual employee and probably look at the simple spreadsheet because of his work. Instead some of who actually do complex criteria queries and interpret the data ourselves instead most likely MassMutual probably front him the maybe one sheet therefore by passing a lot of subprocess. Plus many people know that GameStop's business model is seasonal meaning this was before of the next generation consoles and the new games and exclusives that can only run them so of course it will go up among other things. He was too much about the short % field data rather than overall financial analysis. Typical undergraduate who do read the company policy and laws regarding the financial industry. Also the movie portray the actor that is supposed to representing Keith Patrick Gill as losing 20 million therefore to many investors should buy because of the inferior logic. The guy bought it much early and is still positive. He was up 20 million. Is much different to the many of us that bought it mixed at a later time such as 10's, 20's, 30's, 70's, 120's, 200's and etc. For the most of us is cutting to the principal already therefore is actually a true loss but the movie did not portray it that way because I bet many of us were true negatives and still negative...
For movies at least Margin Call and The Big Short were better in telling the complex finance part instead we get a dumb down 4 separate stories of specific investors that's probably irrelevant to many of us plus it took these people too long many of these video recordings could have been recorded, edited, and finalized much sooner. I do not know why it took so long, 2 years to shoot and edit.. Is probably better to watch other educational videos/movies.