This show, while a bit slow at the start, was simply incredible once it began developing the characters personalities, as well as revealing their backstories. The way events and the characters tie together was masterfully done, forcing some to battle with their own morality, while others simply battle to be better. The dramatic timing of these events, accompanied by a fantastic soundtrack, provide one of the best shows in television history. I simply hope more attention comes to it, even if netflix has dropped the show.
I recommend this show to anyone that wants a balance of action, drama, and character depth that almost makes them seem real, yet somehow continues to hold an air of mystery around them. To show a bit of the tone to the show, I'll post a quote John Reese, one of the main characters; "When you find that one person who connects you to the world, you become someone different. Someone better. When that person is taken from you, what do you become then?"