Don’t believe the critics. Many of them are paid to follow an agenda and the remaining are afraid to disagree with the majority of their peers. The show is solid, really well made. There are many terrible shows streaming right now, but most of them have better reviews than Messiah. I find this to be very strange.
This series is incredibly well written and the actor that plays Jesus is so moving. His delivery is mesmerizing, striking the perfect balance of strength and love in every word he utters. The writer obviously understands the teachings of Jesus and is able to separate them from the teachings of organized religions. The message never strays from Truth and remains fearless throughout.
This series is considered to be “highly controversial”, but it’s not controversial because it treats every religion with total respect and that’s what matters most. Jews, Muslims, and Christians are treated like people. They are treated like God’s children, exactly the way Jesus would treat every single one of us if he were here today. Religion means nothing to him.
Of course, this series will resonate with anyone that believes in the messages delivered through Jesus after he reached Christ Consciousness, but it’s not just for Christians. It’s for everyone.
The quality of the writing is immense and the acting is off the charts! It doesn’t matter what you believe or even IF you believe because the message in this series is not about separation, but about oneness.
If you are a person who knows our souls are one and that there’s something inherently wrong with the separation that religions and politics teach, then you don’t want to miss out on this beautiful series. I highly recommend it!