There's no aspect that makes 1998 Mulan distinct from... you know, the 2009 Chinese film Mulan, a different interpretation yet is adapted from the same ballad. This film follows the same plot as the 1998 one, sans Mushu and the cricket, which should've been included as such in a Disney remake had someone been competent, but alas, Disney goes where the money goes, as many people say.
When part of the film is filmed in Turpan and around XUAR (Xinjiang or East Turkestan), this also adds to the big casualty that China is conducting human rights violations against Uyghurs, not to mention that the lead star supports Hong Kong police brutality.
The film in a summary is basically an American (the director is from NZ though, I think?) watching Asian martial arts films multiple times, then decide to write fanfiction of Disney's Mulan after binge watching tons of said genre, along with the behind the scenes festival that makes Disney complicit with the People's Republic.