John Campbell is bloody rude to the extent he thinks its ok to overtalk the Prime Minister!! He daily says to someone "sorry to interrupt" but he isnt and the show isnt about him!! We will make our own interpretation as to what someone has said and dont need his "wasnt it" "Isnt it" as to his suggestion to the answer required.
Everyone thanking everyone else about three times each gets a bit over the top. It happens so often that all it does is take up our time!!
Would also love to know where "THE Cook Strait" is. For 70+ years I have known it described simply as Cook Strait. Only started getting "THE" since Matty started doing the weather and I note other weather presenters are now doing it.
Dont need to show how clever we are with language's. the Queens English and our New Zealand country name is fine with a sprinkling of other stuff now and again. All in all very annoying and shows a very leftist leaning. I record but only watch about 20% of Breakfast now and getting less and less. Any opposition and I am gone!!