Marvel is back!
Deadpool returns to complete his trilogy and brings along with him the iconic Wolverine!
The Good -
- Fan service! Total fan service with the special cameos which are numerous and provide a good required boost to the movie. The Plot - the movie has been created as a tribute for the old 20th Century Fox X-Men Saga and is a checkpoint established for the upcoming Marvel projects such as Blade and many others, no spoilers. The story - which aligns perfectly with whatever Marvel has showcased to us up until now, from Loki to Avengers to X-Men to anything that remains, the movie has tried to answer a lot of the bottlenecked questions. The Music. The Chemistry between Deadpool and Wolverine, perfect screen time has been given to both the characters, justifying the title. Many satisfying nostalgic moments.
The Bad -
- Not much but comparable to Marvel's past works maybe not the total best. Maybe, Endgame and No Way Home could be a bit step ahead. The climax also felt a bit lackluster and the Deadpool corps felt unnecessary, it felt just as if to introduce to the MCU that such a thing also exists.
Final Words -
WATCH IT! If you are a Marvel Fan, definitely watch it. A lot of things add up from this story line, a lot of things in the MCU can make sense from this movie here on forth. Recommended to watch the previous movies and web series from Marvel such as Loki, or the Avengers Saga, for better understanding if you haven't yet. 3.5/5