From the opening scene, this movie tries way too hard with a script that could have been amazing...if not for the characters chewing through every scene. I mean EVERY scene. Nothing is left to the viewer's imagination. Sadly, it's clear the director forced the actors to "be more real".
The movie's attempt to humanize the core cast poetically ruined their future casting options.
Basic errors like a clothing tag clearly sticking out the back of the main character's suit while walking through the carnival...or threatening one of their own gang members with a drill would have been convincing if it wasn't attached to a 20 foot electrical cord. What? Did they forget the number one rule when you're going to horrifically discipline a subordinate...ALWAYS charge your cordless drill the night before 🤣
Another person that shorted the gang $20,000 tearfully pleads for his life by showing photos of his cancer-stricken daughter in the hospital...scrolls through the photos with the screen facing him backwards. An obvious scene the the movie's director suggested.
Of particular note that ended my initial tolerance of this cheese pizza of a's the intro scene to the main character's auto parts business. Where the staff had a wild party the night before. It's the main character's 'angry cleaning up' by gently picking up garbage.
Or the killing room where the excessive amounts of blood are in the walls and ceilings...the main character is wearing a white hazmat suit and smiling, while smoking a cigarette WITHOUT wearing gloves. Must be his first day on the job 😉
I literally laughed when the cliché "devil" enforcer wears opaque-tinted sunglasses indoors.
This is the kind of movie they show film students of what not to do with your own film budget.
This is a horrible waste of 2 hours. A horrible waste of actors that could have really shined.