I have liked some of Judge Judy's shows. However there's some I have disliked. There's one in particular I have to say ,was disturbing to me . Tonight where there was a young women who had broken her ankle and was terrified of the young man and had a court order of protection against him. Judge Judy showed herself as cold and unconcerned ,heartless and did not believe this young women of her fears towards this man. You could clearly see this women was no doubt in my mind mentally and emotionally threatened by this man. You could clearly see in his face , and his body language that he no doubt was quilty . I myself was a victim and can read through this man and see she was telling the truth . Even if she did not have enough evidence to prove her case as to her fears , the judge should never rule something like this out . She made this young man walk away as if he got away with his sick abuse to put fear of threat in a women . At the end of the show , his statement he made proved his sick behavior . Since this show, I have seen enough of her ( The Judge Judy show). Wise ass cracks, nasty, and thinks she's funny with her remarks because she gets some laughs in the court room . Her court room is a circus !!!