This is a an excellent publication summarizing the business of medicine and its ramifications. It is about corporate medicine and its practice of placing patients last on their list of priorities. It exposes the manipulation of a health care system such that physicians are devalued and others with limited to no formal training in medicine are promoted as being their equivalent. The intent being to replace physicians with these cheaper options, all to increase revenue and please their shareholders. The authors elaborate on the myth of the "physician shortage" and explain how that false narrative is used to promote corporate medicine's unconscionable agenda while MDs and DOs without residencies, due to a residency cap placed by the Centers for Medicare in 1996, are cast aside when they provide a much better and safer choice.
The book also describes the predatory and opportunistic behavior of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners(AANP) and the American Academy of Physician Assistants(AAPA) and their role in taking advantage of the fallacious "physician shortage" and corporate medicine's construct to advance their own selfish agendas without regard to the public's safety.
It is a well-researched body of work that dispels the myth about the studies nurse practitioners and physician assistants tout as being the "Gold Standard". Citations are given for anyone to review for themselves. This book was written over a period of three years....with the public in mind. To educate the public so they can be empowered to advocate for themselves in this godforsaken healthcare system.