I've read all of Peter James Roy Grace series and love them and the characters therein and was really excited to see that they were going to dramatise this series. I certainly didn't imagine John Simm in the role but have gotten used to him. I don't think the Branson character is who I had in my head but he seems to work. I like Cleo as a fit but the worst fit is Norman Potting. I imagined a larger Danny de Vito type character in taxi. Short, fat, dishevelled and unkempt and Lude...but earthy not Dot Cotton from Line of duty at all. The Brighton filming is great as that's where I lived for many years and love that I know everywhere that is referenced. Perhaps it happens with all books that the depth and suspense and intrigue gets lost. Disappointing as the series is so much shallower than the rich stories in the books. Maybe a story over two nights would give it more sunstance