The netflix adaptation of the beloved and classic anime 'Cowboy Bebop' may not be good by conventional standards; it does fall short in a few aspects, most prominently the story save a few individual powerul moments. Characters arent as developed as some may like however the cast and acting make up for it partially and while the writing doesnt give us much to love, the acting makes the audience love it anyway. While not conventially brilliant i have to say that a lot of reviews i have read have been far too critical and i have to give credit to the creators for taking on such a tremendous challenge adapting something so popular. If someone changes something you loved from your youth, chances are you'd be far more critical aswell. While falling short in many conventional ways i have to say that whether or not critics see it the same way, i havent had this much fun with a show in ages, everything from the unique aesthetic to the amazing performances leads to an incredible guilty pleasure and an overall fun watch.
3.5/5 - A fun watch but not to be met with high expectations due to its many blatant downfalls through a conventially critical lens. My advice, don't look for the flaws as many fans of the original have, just sit back and enjoy and have a good time with it and itll feel more like a 4.5/5 :)