This show was beautiful, heartbreaking and breathtaking all in one go. It had such wonderful acting between the leaves, that relied so heavily on simple glances. It was so refreshing to watch. And not only that but how often do we get to see normal teenagers on television, this show highlighted everything that is wrong with some television shows now by doing everything right. We saw normal bodies, normal acne and normal reactions without unnecessary hyper-sexualization. The relationships felt easy to watch, relate to and believe. And even the villains of the show were given a certain moral complex and heart that made even them compelling to watch. Almost like you could never tell what they were going to do because you weren’t sure whether their emotions or morals would get in the way. It was all very well written and I want a season 2 so bad, as does it seem that everyone else does. This show moved me in a way most haven’t in a long while. So please Netflix renew this show. Thank you.