Imma say this now. I think the whole show would have been far better if they didn't have certain things going on. The first one is this ridiculous relationship between Carter and Blake. They have shown to not have any chemistry from the beginning. He is a very likeable guy and she is just plain insufferable. She only wanted to be with him when she couldn't be with her ex husband(whom she cheated on and bore another man's kid mind you.) She is just self centered and just as much of a condescending egomaniac as him.
Next up is the fact that these are supposed to be super geniuses who can basically build anything they could imagine, yet they keep making mistake after mistake. These mistakes put themselves as well as the whole town in grave danger every single episode. They also almost caused the world to end on several occasions, but pulled what I like to call a Star Trek move and use a bunch of terminology that doesn't make a lick of scientific sense, but it somehow does in the show. I am on the last season and Zane and Alison are just jealous but jobs for no good reason of they would just used a bit of common sense and logic. It is drama for drama sake.