I started playing back when it was launched. Multi-player was built around stats, where there were tradeoffs with speed/strength , defense/offense. Etc.
That was a pretty cool season, but would leave inexperienced players at a disadvantage based on level.
When they introduced perks, it got interesting. At first I didn't care to much for the change then really liked it. Probably one of the better changes in the game.
Ubisoft/For honor dev team have made good updates to the game, trying to balance characters as new ones are created. However, over time they just end up retracting what they have done and rebalancing again.
Over the past year, it seems thats all for honor has been doing. A season of rebalance. They probably should name one of their games seasons "Balance" and not change anything for that season duration.
I am still a fan of the game, however I haven't played much of it lately. About 3 months. Reason being, its non consistent. Its a new version of the game it feels everytime I log in. Matchmaking can be tough at times too, even with fast network speeds.
Again, its a unique game that is replayable and consistently enjoyable.
Downside there will be many bug fixes and rebalancing with the duration of your For Honor experience.