So many things are wrong with this show. I honestly don’t know where to begin. I guess I’ll try with this (Also, spoilers ahead).
1. The events of the story are remarkably unbelievable. I couldn’t believe the logic of most of the characters in this show. Running from the cops and nearly getting killed, all while being innocent? Why? The constant (and impossible) escapes from trouble? The confusing geography? The time period is supposedly modern day, but there are no cell phones and kids run around everywhere like nobody’s business. If I personally didn’t see some small details, I’d think the show was set in 1985! Even the non-living things don’t make sense. It’s utterly bizarre and I’m astonished that this isn’t considered fantasy. Another thing I personally found strange is that all of the girls in this show can apparently wear nothing but a pair of Daisy Dukes (similar to how most women in Star Trek wore miniskirts).
2. This is the main reason I don’t like the show. The characters unbelievably suck. I mean, even the “good guys” are pretty trashy. So much so, the most likeable character (in my opinion) wasn’t even one of them. I’ll go some below:
I guess we’re supposed to feel for the kid who lost his dad and wants to finish his work. Honestly though, I very much dislike John. He’s a jerk to basically everyone. He gets with Sarah, knowing she has a boyfriend. He then lies to his friends that he’s simply using her (which also means he’s a manipulator). When all of this is uncovered, you know what happens to John? Nothing happens, as he locks away Sarah and the other chick he kissed (Kie), to make them work together! I suppose you can guess what happened when John freed them. If you guessed nothing, you’re catching on. John literally does the worst of all the characters, yet he is never punished for this. Instead, other people pay for it, and for the strangest reason, never get upset with John. In the end, he’s just as bad as the main antagonist (Ward), only he didn’t commit murder.
I don’t have much to say on the rest of the “Pouges”. J.J probably (more so definitely) needs mental counseling. Pope is the “smart” one, and never wants to get in deep trouble. However, he constantly contradicts this due to his constant participation in the crimes the Pouges partake of (Robbery, Breaking and Entering, Assault, etc.). Kie is a living paradox. She supposedly is supposed to be this “hippie socialist” who cares a whole ton about people and the environment. I think the only part that can be nailed on her is the socialist part. She loves a chance to steal others people’s money and spread it around (while keeping a huge chunk for her)! Sarah is simply put, insane. She had a loving boyfriend (Topper) and threw it away for a manipulator. Topper was by no means perfect, but unlike John, he never touched, manipulated, or yell unjustifiably at Sarah. He even surprised me at some bits. Despite this, it’s him who gets cheated and dumped on and nobody (in the show) understands his anger behind that. The worst part is even after this, he’s willing to go the distance for Sarah (and he’s promptly used for this). I find it amazing that despite all of this, that within a matter of days after dating John, she’d basically become his servant. He even managed to take her to bed (something she teased Topper with). The Pouges threw their literal future away for some gold and unstable love. They’re the literal definition of gold diggers.