Very well done. I saw the 1976 Midway and thought it was good. But the latest is even better. First, it takes the audience from Pearl Harbor to the bombing of Tokyo to Coral Sea culminating in the famous battle that turned the war in the Pacific. As a history lover, the latest version gave me a much better sense of the timeline. Second, it didn’t have a hokey back story of a love story about a Lieutenant and a Japanese woman living with her parents in a camp in Hawaii. It stuck more to the story of the battle and we learned more about the real characters than the 1976 film’s fictional ones. For instance with the new version, we learned that Admiral Halsey had shingles and not an elusive “skin disease” that kept him bed ridden during the battle. We even got to understand the back stories of Yamamoto and some of the other Japanese players.
While I loved the 1976 version, this one is a much better movie.