Captain Marvel was meh. As for origin stories go Disney needs to set Captain America, or Black Panther, or Iron Man, or Guardians of the Galaxy as the bar to exceed if not come close to. This was more like the very first Thor movie. This was definitely a movie, like Thor, where the setting, and editing, actually affected the tone... and that setting for both movies was a desert. When it wasn't in a desert it was inside some dark boring place. If you're watching a sci-fi fantasy film the last thing you want to be reminded of is how much it sucks to live where you're living. That was your mistake Disney, you kept us right here on Earth, and didn't show it in a fantastic magical way.
Secondly the acting was sub-par. Surprising coming from an ensemble cast including Bree Larson, Sam Jackson, Jude Law, and Annette Bening. The character Carol Danvers suffers from amnesia in the movie and is unsure of who she is. Unfortunately it felt as if Bree Larson was unsure of who she was portraying and the performance felt a bit detached, as if it was more of doing an acting job by the numbers, instead of actually bringing the character to life.
The jokes were few but worth the wait. The 90's nostalgia couldn't have had a larger florescent sign, without subtlety, telling you that it was present. Such as Sam Jackson saying "It's a pager," while holding a pager in his hands, or what Windows95 is doing. Seriously, let the kids in the audience ask their parents those questions. The sound track was on point, except for 'I'm Just a Girl' which just felt by that point that someone was beating a dead horse.