One of the Masterpieces.
- Characters' Design
- Characters' Development
- Story Scenarios
- Battle System
- BGMs and OSTs
- Animations (Gameplay, Cutscene, Battle <Arts, Crafts, S-Crafts>)
- Backgrounds' Design
- Voice Dubbing (VA and involved party), Game-plays and Cliffhangers.
They are all done right! Close to Perfection!
I strongly recommend to play this game's title, Legend of Heroes (Eng), Eiyuu Densetsu (JP)
The order of playing :
~ First :
- Trails in the Sky FC
- Trails in the Sky SC
- Trails in the Sky 3rd
~ Second :
- Trails of Zero (Zero no Kiseki)
- Trails of Azure (Ao no Kiseki)
~ Third :
- Trails of Cold Steel
- Trails of Cold Steel II
- Trails of Cold Steel III
- Trails of Cold Steel IV
~ Fourth :
- Trails of the Beginning (Hajimari no Kiseki)