Oooh it’s the 50s and they smoke. Oooh they didn’t say the F word or screw on 50s TV but Amazon loves both! I Love Lucy could make 60,000,000 people laugh without these elements but Amazon writers think F@c& is elemental to their writing. And why do they show the characters having sex for 2 seconds before cutting to the morning after? Oh. Realism. Amazon revels in producing soft porn such as Ted Lasso where it’s a funny show crutched by lathering of F bullets (Britain’s Official National Word) and a second season scene of Keely masturbating to her phone. Yeah, I remember the episode of cheers where they catch Diane pleasuring herself in Sams office. The Amazon remaking of Cheers will have them naked on the couch and Clift saying F you to end an argument.
Yeah these are my complaints. I don’t like the gratuitous language and sex of streaming shows.
As to The Ricardo’s, it’s a good enough show but from the start I felt like it was trying to show how they could nail the imitation of the period v just telling the story. It gets a bit Hallmark movie when there’s never a hair or costume out of place. Didn’t hold enough interest to finish in one sitting. Not sure if it’s compelling enough for to go back for the second half.