First time writing a review TBH. Have been a hardcore Super Metroid fan since the 90s - I play it every 1-2 years (give or take). Bought Other M when it first came out. I enjoyed it but not to the extent that I did SM. I have replayed and enjoyed, definitely a great Metroid game (some will argue). Tried Fusion about a month back to get a feel for the storyline - couldn't get over the score, it wasn't good enough to keep me engaged. Dread definitely contends with SM in the WOW factor. I was honestly hoping for a SM remake just to get a taste of the old gameplay with some new flashy graphics, but Dread makes up for that by far. Similar mechanics and exploration with added anxiety attacks when facing EMMI robots. I'm only halfway through but already love it. Not a cash grab - they spent their time making sure this one was beyond great (for 19 years I'd hope so).