Few words can describe how much unfiltered joy I experience whenever I play the Alvin And The Chipmunks video game. This game is simply delightful and the best game on Wii, PS2, DS and PC. The Chipmunks dancing and playing their instruments with such skill inspires me to become skillful at my passions, the song list is comprised of only the best Chipmunk covers and original songs that move me so hard to happiness every time I hear them, the venues are the most interesting and jaw dropping places I have ever looked at in my entire life. Now I would describe to you examples of everything I just talked about in that past sentence, but I don't want to spoil you on any specific way this game makes me feel empowered, you will just have to buy this game and experience the magic for yourself. Even calling this a "game" is a disservice to it's greatness, I would much rather call this a "gift from the heavens" this gift from the heavens is a beautiful one, a shining star, a path to enlightenment. this gift from the heavens is best experienced alone, so you can really take in all of it's greatness and be more connected to God himself. After all. God made this gift so we must all use it how he intended. Thank you, for listening.