Once I started this amazing book, I could not put it down. "Surviving in Black Skin", Webster E. Moore's autobiography is an honest, thought provoking book that everyone should read to have better understanding of what it was like growing up and living in America over the decades as an impressionable young person, who's family experienced a terrible, life-altering racial injustice, and who as a smart, educated, hardworking, caring adult, worked to help make important changes and helped make America a better place for all to live.
Many parts of the book are truly heart breaking, and many wonderfully inspirational. Some parts of the book gave me, as a white woman living these decades, new insights into America's important changing history. Some of Webster's journey took him through not one, but two, horribly devastating disasters that could have broken anyone's spirit, but he persevered, eventually being led to the other side of the world, Egypt, for better understanding of his significant place on this Earth. Overcoming all of life's challenges his well-traveled journey culminates with him as a content, wise spirt on this earth.
Jack & Brenda Payne