I am liking Battlefield 2042, it is easily better than COD which is so dull, glitch ridden and regurgitated. Rainbow 6 never got it right after Black Arrow and Vegas and don't get me started on the PC gamers wet dream Fortshite which is fun if you have a PC, the higher FPS which allows you the advantage over console gamers hands down. Battlefield 2042 gives you a few other titles such as Bad Company Rush, 1942, Battlefield 3 so good value for money as well. The game itself is a massive improvement on 1 and V which like my ex girlfriend showed promise to begin with but got boring after a year or so. It has it issues granted but the positives that will follow in patched will most certainly outweigh the negatives. People are often too quick to jump on the negative bandwagon , don't read the back page and tell me you know what the book is about you have to read it page by page.
Battlefield gives you the experience that Bad Company did as well as Battlefield 4 which were class. Half of these reviewers probably weren't playing the earlier games but I am happy with what I am seeing at the moment and will continue to play the game without demanding a refund.
Keep up the good work is all I gotta say to the developers who worked through a pandemic to deliver this title and will continue to do so to give us the patches and season passes over the next few years I imagine.