To put it simply this is a terrible film.
Cringe worthy stereotypes, most of which aren't even given the respect to own a name but merely called eg "Rich man", "Black man" etc. The majority of these characters were so difficult to like, believe or invest in that I didn't care who got zapped when or in whichever order.
The continuously repetitive, nonsensical, dier dialogue hurt my ears and the very few "special effects" were just embarrassing and offensive to my eyes.
So many plot holes within a plot that doesn't really make sense and the pay off at the end is beyond anticlimactic. I'd have preferred it all to have been just a dream or in my case of sitting through this film, a nightmare.
To say this film is all about staying alive I found myself just wanting them all to do me and themselves a favour and agree to group suicide, but sadly this didn't happen and so the "drama" dragged on for 1 hour and 26 minutes longer than it should and could have.
So to come full Circle - this is quite honestly a terrible film.