I wasn’t expecting much since most modern “comedy” films are pretty cheesy and unfunny, and that’s what I thought for the first 10 minutes of the film. But once you past that point the rest of the film is actually really funny. As someone who watches stand up comedy, I do admit some scenes
really got me. I wasn’t a fan of the singing, because it was mostly auto tune and was
stereotypical modern kind of music but luckily that’s not the main focus of the film. Not only that, im happy the film finally included an actually loving and sweet protagonist girl, instead of the typical tough/mean girl that all the feminists want in every film. It’s just very refreshing to see. This movie doesn’t have much character growth, so if you’re not into comedy then you won’t like this film. If you’re a serious person and get triggered a lot, then you’ll absolutely hate this film. Anyways, this is just one of
those classic movies you go watch for a good laugh. Would recommend 👍