On the whole, I really get alot out of this movie. It makes me long after Jesus and makes me more aware of Him in my own life. The only parts that kinda bother me are how the first time Jesus mentions to Kayla about her attempted suicide in LA, which makes her distance herself from Him. It appears as if Jesus made a social mistake, which we know Jesus doesn't do and doesn't push people away. And He seems too tough on Hank, when Hank is already emotionally hurting from his wife's divorce threats. And in the beginning of the movie, it doesn't make sense that Officer Deville would confirm that there would be a diner if he wants to keep people away from Jesus who owns it. And he wouldn't have blocked them from driving into the flood either. But other than those setbacks, it's a great movie, and I watch it every time I want to focus on Jesus and make Him personal to me.