Why aren't we locking up Trump, Trump Jr, Jiuliani,Cruz, Rubio, Hawley and all others who insited this? We're supposed to be a country of laws, well for the last 4-5 years, many have been broken by the same person (TRUMP) and cloonies. Yesterday better not get sweapt under rug, Prosecute with out delay,starting now.If not now, then it will only get worse when you are held accountable then it will continue.
"I pledge alliegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"
We teach our children to recite those words at the start of each school day. At some point we time we stop reciting the pledge of alliegiance. Today I decided to refreshed my memory by reading the words.I recall ONE NATION, NOT ONE DONALD TRUMP.
Sad time for this country,it is up to our elected officials to stop this domestic terrorist group led by Donald J Trump, from futher harm to our Democracy. Donald J Trump, Shame on you, although you have no shame or soul.