I am very much ashamed, of the Donald TRUMP of (CTV) one who name I will not used at this time. Donald TRUMP will do nicely. I look to CTV for my news and all ways It has to be Lisa, if there is a Princess any where then she is that Princess Lisa. A woman of substance graceful and gracious so very beautiful, news is her calling and she does it with such porfessionalism such competence and quality of skill I could go on, but as one on the outside looking in it pleases me to have a seat with a cup of tea and hear what the days news is all about from the lovely Madam LaFlamme. I will wait to see where Princess Lisa turn up next and there will be a next time for her if she want's it. As for me I am done with CTV News and trash Trump he is not a people person and he hates women. Pity on your news room I will be kicking out of my house Bell Media ASAP I HATE THE NAME BELL Now... All the BEST Madam LaFlamme this too shall PASS.