Smart, funny, thoughtful - all part of the Morgan Spurlock brand. I've had the fortune of meeting and talking to Morgan twice - once at Sundance when he was launched with Super Size Me. He was kind, humble and very genuine. If it's an act, it's a very good one.
What I believe? He's a true muckraking journalist who would like to make the world a better place through sometimes unconventional means. With control as the main goal for the powers that be, this is the kind of story telling we need to speak truth to power.
Can people make a difference? Yes. Will they? It's unknown. Today, I feel like people are so distracted, overwhelmed and living hand to mouth that they don't know their own truth. They know what they're told and think little further than that - instead becoming echo chambers that reinforce those with control. Documentaries like this give me hope. And, as it's said in my favorite movie of all time, "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."