This movie was AWEFUL! I've always been a fan of horror, and if you are too then whatever you do DON'T watch this movie! Two hours of boring nothingness until the end. Where is the horror? The plot is basically these kids take a trip to Sweden to live with this cult and 90% of the movie is filled with nothing. I could create a better horror film in my backyar. The characters were very unlikable and the girl protagonist (I don't even care enough to remember her name, Dani, I think?) Was a big time drama queen and her only trait was that she cried about EVERYTHING. I honestly just routed for her to be killed off, as morbid as that may sound. The other characters were cookie cutter and one dimensional. No real horror, just like 2 five minute gore scenes and about another 10 of borderline porn (no I'm not joking). The whole theatre was groaning by the end. I don't know who in the right mind would enjoy this movie, but do not listen to the positive reviews. This is a boring film that barely constitutes as horror.