This is the directorial debut of Michael B Jordan and it's a knockout! (Pun intended) This film felt more personal and self reflective than the previous films. Damien proves to be the most intimidating opponent Adonis has ever faced both physically and emotionally. Jonathan Majors is indeed a world class actor as he is both menacing and vulnerable at a switch of a dime. While the film paints him as the villain, you still understand where he's coming from. I found myself rooting for him early on, because he's the underdog but he soon reveals himself to be a manipulator with a grudge.
I loved the relationship Adonis had with his daughter and the seeds they planted for her possible future. The relationship with his wife is a true partnership. I for one do not miss having Rocky in the film. This felt truly like Adonis's movie as it should be.
The fights were visceral and you felt like you were in the ring. I love the way Michael B Jordan captured each punch and made you feel it in your seat. He takes a very big and artistic turn in this movie that was surprisingly effective and show the anime influence that he loves.
I got to say this is my favorite Creed film so far. I can't wait for Creed 4!
Grade: 🅰️➕️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️