OMG this is game is the best zombies game ever…. SPOILERS AHEAD!! The parkour, combat, map everything about the game is amazing!!! Dying light has a great story and the main protagonist which we play as is Kyle Crane. The parkour is amazing to have in a zombies game because if you have weak weapons and a bunch of zombies on you, just start climbing a building. If you are out in the open with no buildings that’s a different story. The nighttime is really scary. Volitels are the mutated zombies that only roam at night. If your spotted all of them start chasing you. The combat is amazing. You have your standard guns but also melee. There are swords, daggers, machetes, baseball bats etc… plus there are combat moves you can unlock in the skill trees. The map in dying light is awesome. You start out in the slums, a city that the virus started in, then a little bit in the game you go to “Old Town” another city that has stronger infected. Then a year after the games release, a dlc drops called “The Following” it takes place in the countryside with the strongest infected. It also introduces driving. The sad thing is it concludes Kyle Cranes story in dying light. There are 2 ending which crane doesn’t survive any of them.