Look I'm the hardest person to please and I'm an absurd perfectionist when it comes to graphical quality game performance and story telling. And I've got to say when I saw this previewed and reviewed as sub par I had to delve into it my self. And at over 19 hours into it. There is no way possible I can agree with anyone at all that bashes this game. I mean sure it's from AA development company and yes it's at a bargain price. But your AAA developers did not start out as triple A either. The graphics are very crisp and gorgeous and the gameplay physical mechanics and fighting are impressive and I'm not quite sure where the whole the story is boring notion come from but that notion is laughable because the story is very much engaging. Don't be fooled by this game just because it's made by a double A developer, because if spiders continue putting out quality titles like this I whole heartedly believe they will make it into the triple A category of developers. Now that's not to say that this game doesn't have it's share of a few bugs and glitches but let's be honest what game today doesn't. And its certainly nothing that a patch or update can't fix. So yeah, in short GET THIS GAME!!!!