I personally think it is one of their best. ( which is not an easy task , since whichever one I am listening to at the time , I'll think it is .) The music is excellent and Waters does some of his finest singing.! This is one you definitely want to get ! Recently Rodger went to Davids' house to talk to him , and at one point David said Rodger couldn't sing very good anymore. What a cold thing to say to a previous band mate. True some notes were a bit strained sounding, but on others he sounded great . Shame
on you David ! Even if he wasn't trying to get the band together again, at least I believe he was just trying to be friends again. Poor Nick is friends with both of them. He finally got tired of waiting , so he started his own band. Playing the older songs the two others didn't play.
The Final Cut is a rather sad album, but I think you would be glad you bought it.