Absolutely delighted to read Promise Me Dad (Joe Biden, 2017) together with Jill Biden's When the Light Enters (Jill Biden, 2019).
Joe Biden, who has numerous biographies and autobiographies (e.g., Witcover, 2010), describes a year of trauma in their family as Beau Biden, Attorney General of Delaware, battles an aggressive brain tumor and loses the experimental struggle for his survival.
Interspersed with his foreign policy visits and diplomacy, Joe Biden shines light into the US Presidency and Vice Presidency, and the international crises of our time from Ukraine to Iraq and the Northern Triangle post new policies in Latin America and Russia.
His family life, from his US Senate career election at age 29, to his marriage to Jill Biden 3 years after the tragic loss of his wife (from Central New York) and daughter, marks the constant frame of their lives with children Beau, Hunter and Ashley.
We found the US Presidential elections intriguing, including the 2008 Obama win and his Vice Presidency, and the 2016 Hillary Clinton historic win post thousands marching with the AFL-CIO and supporting Joe Biden- the young, the old, white, black, Hispanic, working moms, teenage girls with bright colored headbands, middle aged men with grandchildren on their shoulders, skateboarders, bikers and wheelchair (activists). "It felt like America!"
We wish Joe and Jill Biden the best in the 2020 US Presidential campaign, and with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, look forward to the Democrats winning the White House, the US Senate and maintaining the House of Representatives.
Julie Ann Racino, National Democratic Party, 2020