Leslie Stahl didn’t even know who you are until we heard President Trump was going to be on! You were rude, antagonistic, wrong fact checks, & unethical Extreme far left journalist! You & CBS never report the real news only your democratic one sided views. It’s sad your station has lost half the nation or more as viewers. We wish you had more class & better questions instead of the same old questions you all ask, coronavirus, health package, climate change, etc. what about the economy which you stayed was untrue, wrong! You never brought up The Middle East peace, a historic peace deal President Trump, Mike Pompeo,Jared & his team were able to accomplish! This was historic & you all the mainstream media never covered it. You all aren’t covering this huge national Security risk of this new Biden allegations. You guys are journalists. You could investigate it. Instead you protect Biden like a baby coddling him. Wish you were fair & human like!