Ewwww the bald kid is ugly and stupid and poopy and ugly why would you watch a show with an ugly kid in it. The uncle character iz mean 😔 and bullies his nephewwww and he is ugly and likes tea but I don't like the uncle character because I don't like 😞 tea. Tea is ewwww and poopy 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩. I don't like the annoying scar guy that 😒 keeps 😒🙄 talking 🙄 about honor or something and he is also ugly. I don't like the blind girl 😕 either because she is blind and I don't like 😞 blind people and she is also ugly poopy💩 and weak I dont like the boomerang 😕character because he iz 😔 anoying and ugly and stupid. I don't like the waterbending girl 😒 because she iz mean and chose the annoying bald kid over the scar dude.
The plot is poorly written and very poo poo 💩 and I could have done better and it pooooooo poooo pooo 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
Ok, I'm kidding I love Avatar The Last Airbender, and it's my favorite show of all time. It's very well written, and an almost flawless show. It has good and complex characters, and an amazing well built world based off of Chinese, Japanese, and many other cultures. I would recommend it to anybody.