Watching it now and he has alot to say about George floyd and him begging and pleading and also that this police agency doesn't have a serious history of violence. Well why has he not mentioned the officer infact was well acquainted to mr floyd and he also had an aggressive Semi violent altercation with mr floyd in the past. I dont like tv personalities who give there opinion and base it as facts. I definitely will never watch this again I would have more respect if he gave all the facts and let the viewers make there own decision based on the facts from both sides with out the commentator giving a one sided opinion. To me it seems as if he is trying too sway the public into his way of thinking or he is trying too appeal to a certain type of audience and really doesn't care about sharing information or evidence from both sides.
Ok Megan markle and oprah interview. Lol lack of taste. This is an old southern phrase some of you may get it some of you may not get it but here it is... There are alot that were raised and very few that are taught... I'm sorry but something's dont need to be discussed especially when the person is claiming that they were having suicidal thoughts and there mental health was declining due to actions of media ( media of any kind) seems as if you already know yourself as far as what you will say out of your mouth on the air which is fine say what you want yes freedom of speech the reward living in the USA. That doesn't mean not to have 1 ounce of compassion no matter if you believed Meghan and her husband or didn't believe them. That kind of opinion for ratings and a pay check shows what kind of us citizen he really is. Tucker Carlson wow he's a REAL grade a 100% good old American that's for sure. Yeah for freedom of speech.